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Facts & Numbers
Information Refugee Crisis 2015
BR extra Die Flüchtlingskrise (29.10.2015)
Christmas speech German president
CSU Fachkongress about migration and refugees
Debate in Bundestag about financial budget of 2016 (mentions also refugee crisis)
Deportation from Germany
Health care for asylum seekers in Munich
Local information about asylum seeker in Munich December 2017
Merkel called for indirect efforts to stem the flow of migrants
Recent information about asylum seekers during Bürgerversammlung Oct 2015
Talkshow Maybrit Illner
What comes after the volunteer work?
Information Refugee Crisis 2015-2018
„Fake it, Hack it, Leak it, Spread it?“
„University of the People“ – free access to higher education
Austria wants to control migration and block the route to Europe
Debate about the success of the AfD
Ein Jahr „Wir schaffen das“ Diskussion in Talkshow Markus Lanz
Elections „Landtagswahlen“ in three German states
Elections for Landtag in Saarland
Elections in France
German politics: New government with chancellor Merkel
Landtag Elections in Schleswig-Holstein
Macedonia closes borders for all except Syria and Iraq
News about numbers in Munich
News from Calais: dismantling the camp after fire
Preliminary results in three states
Situation on Greek Islands
Statistics and interactive maps about foreigners and asylum seekers in Germany
Statistics of asylum seekers for 2017
Information Refugee Crisis 2016
65% of the annual limit of asylum seekers reached
Angela Merkel after the elections Mecklenburg-Vorpommern and Berlin
Asylumseekers from Marokko and Algeria in camps
Balkanroute closed
BAMF will work on asylum-request from Morocco, Tunesia, Algeria with high priority
Bavarian government will close Aufnahmestelle Bayernkaserne end of 2016
CDU Bundesparteitag 2016 and their „Leitantrag“ also about migration
Closure of camp at Idomeni
Course about German law and values
East European states discuss closure of Balkan route
Final BAMF numbers for Dec 2015 and the year 2015
Greek-Macedonian border closed
Illegal camp in Calais will be removed
Immowelt started local initiative
Migrants returned from Greece to homelands in Oct 2016
Münchner Bildungsforum – Perspektiven für Flüchtlinge
Niger wants to stop illegal migration to Europe
No agreement between EU and Turkey yet
Political discussion about integration of refugees
Results of elections in three states
Schäuble schlägt EU-Abgabe auf Benzin für Finanzierung der Kosten durch Flüchtlingskrise vor
Serbia closed its border for people from Afghanistan
SPD, CDU, and CSU agreed on „Asylpaket II“
Westbalkan conference – Austria and Western balkan countries
Information Refugee Crisis 2018
Keine Notwendigkeit für Aufnahme von Migranten der Lifeline
Information Refugee Crisis 2019
Information Refugee Crisis 2023
Information Refugee Crisis 2024
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