Again some statistics which might be interesting and which were published three days ago:
All Städte and Landkreise in Germany with the ratio and numbers of foreigners and then the ratio of asylum seekers, recognized and rejected asylum seekers among the non-German population.
The interactive maps also allow to see how many people from the 28 EU countries, other countries with bilateral agreements or elsewhere are in a certain Landkreis.
The German Statistisches Bundesamt and the BAMF set up this webpage together to inform people and to be transparent.
The maps are also very useful for „politische Bildung“ in Germany, in my opinion.
PS: I contacted destatis on Friday because the number of inhabitant for Munich was a bit too small (Munich has indeed already more than 1.5 million inhabitants). Their answer: The data sets are slightly different: for the total number of inhabitants and the number of foreigners, they used the data from 31.12.2015.
However, if you switch to the other maps with the number of foreigners , the data sets are from 31.12.2016.
For all foreigners in Munich it might be interesting that the number of foreigners in Munich is around one third of the population of the city.
Munich is a very international city.
PS: And for those of you who’d like to know how many of your fellow-countrymen (or fellow-countrywomen; it’s separated by nationality and gender) lived and were registered in Munich on 31.12.2016 ( 229 912 men and 207 252 women = 437 164 )
, you could download here from this page the .pdf „Die ausländische Bevölkerung nach der Staatsangehörigkeit 2016“