Deportation from Germany

We will see more news like this. People who come from countries which are considered safe will not get asylum and will be asked to return to their home countries. In the past years, Germany was pretty relaxed and even people for whom their request for asylum was denied stayed quite often in Germany, the authorities were very hesitant to do „Abschiebungen“. The number of asylum-seekers was not that high, so the German cities could afford this.

Now, with the high numbers of newcomers, the idea of the government is to provide shelter mainly for those who come from war zones and the (relatively few) cases of granting asylum because of individual political, religious, or ethnical reasons.

Poverty, natural disaster, or unemployment are not considered as valid reasons to grant asylum.
The upcoming „Abschiebungen“ will affect also people who work here, like the man from Senegal in the article.
Senegal is considered a safe country. Currently all EU countries, Bosnia, Macedonia, Serbia, Montenegro, Albania, Kosovo, Senegal, and Ghana are the list of safe home countries, „sichere Herkunftsländer“.

BTW: Also people who are recognized as refugees may have to leave again in a few years, because the German law foresees (like the laws of other countries) to check the situation in the home country (currently within the first 3 years) and then people might be send back. E.g. this happened after the war in Jugoslavia.

Personal remark: I think it would really be important to spread this information in those home countries to avoid that people who have practically zero chances to stay in Germany spend all their money to start the dangerous journey to Germany. Only for 4 out of about 220 countries world-wide people have a chance above 50% to be allowed to stay in Germany.