What comes after the volunteer work?

What comes after the volunteer work? This article describes Landkreis Miesbach, but one could also write a similar article about Munich.
Maybe interesting to understand how many people are involved, what are the current difficulties, and why now the local politicians in Bavaria asked Bundeskanzlerin Merkel to come and visit them.
Numbers for Munich: Munich has 1.4 million inhabitants and at the moment about 500 asylum-seekers are assigned to the city of Munich each week. Munich has debts, but the financial situation is good, a lot of companies and people do pay a lot of taxes.
For those of you who do speak German and have some background in social jobs or admin jobs, I could imagine that some cities, e.g. Miesbach may offer job opportunities.They mention in the article that they need several new people. BTW: They mention also in the article that a lot of the houses or flats people offer for the refugees, several are in a real bad state and cannot really be renovated.
